Víctor Ballester Ribó

M2 student in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics at Dauphine-PSL University


Paris, 75012

Fellow of FSMP

Dauphine-PSL University

Hey there! I’m Víctor, a graduate student in Mathematics at Autonomous University of Barcelona. I grew up in Badalona, a cozy town near Barcelona, and recently moved to Paris, where I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics at Dauphine-PSL University. At present, I’m a Fellow of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, supported by the PGSM scholarship.

I’ve always had a deep love for both Mathematics and Physics. Besides my regular coursework, I’ve taken the initiative to self-study a significant portion of the physics curriculum. It’s been an exciting journey, expanding my knowledge beyond the boundaries of my primary field.

During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to work on a fascinating project titled Numerical propagation of trajectories of Earth-orbiting spacecraft. With the guidance of J.M. Mondelo, I delved into the world of numerical methods and their applications in aerospace engineering. This experience truly ignited my passion for the subject.

When I’m not immersed in my academic pursuits, you’ll often find me indulging in my hobbies of cycling and hiking. They keep me active, and I love exploring the beauty of nature. I have a competitive spirit, which I channel both in the academic realm and in sports. Over the years, I’ve taken part in various mathematics and physics competitions, as well as hackathons, constantly honing my problem-solving skills.

Looking ahead, I’m driven to pursue a Ph.D. in a field closely related to aerodynamics. My ultimate dream is to become a mathematical engineer in the thrilling world of car racing, where I can apply my expertise to enhance performance and efficiency.

If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to reach out to me via email or send me a message on WhatsApp, Telegram or LinkedIn. I’m always eager to connect with fellow enthusiasts and explore exciting collaborative opportunities.